Monday, January 14, 2013

Customs & Cultures - Spotlight on Japan

One of the great things about living in Canada is that we have friends and neighbours from all over the world!  I'm always excited to learn about new traditions and customs.  Knowing about other cultures helps us to recognize that our way of doing things isn't necessarily the best way, and certainly not the only way.  We have much to learn from other people!  Between now and the end of the year, we will take time to explore how our friends in other parts of the world live.

Our cultural focus for this week is Japan - the land of the rising sun.  Japan is a special country to me because I had the opportunity to live and teach there for more than a year!  I loved taking part in Japanese culture and traditions, and would love to share some of my knowledge and experiences with you.  Follow the links below to learn about life in Japan:

National Geographic - Japan

Yahoo - Around the World (Japan)

Japan - KidsWeb

Image of girl: Toma, Mashi. (2011, January 26). Kimono Robe [Online image]. Retrieved from
Image of mountains: Cubix Internet Studio. (2012). Mount Fuji and Plum Blossoms, Japan [Online image]. Retrieved from

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