Monday, February 25, 2013

Geography: Migration

GRADE 8's: We are beginning a new unit in Social Studies!  Before coming to class on Tuesday, please take some time to watch the following video:

Human Migration: Push and Pull Factors

Be prepared to come with any questions you might have, and at least one interesting point from the video to discuss in your table groups.  Be familiar with the concept of push and pull factors; we will use this knowledge to conduct case studies on different people who have migrated to/from their countries.

PARENTS: The above link to the video will introduce your child to the push and pull factors of migration.  If you have a migration story that you are willing to share with the class, please send it in with your child - we would love to hear it!!  As a class, we will then analyze what the push and pull factors were in your story.  See below for the curriculum expectations that are being met through this section of our "Migration" strand.

Overall & Specific Expectations (Ontario Curriculum - Social Studies, Grade 8):
Strand: Geography - Migration

Overall Expectations: Students will ...
- identify factors that affect migration and mobility, describe patterns and trends of migration
in Canada, and identify the effects of migration on Canadian society
- connect the real experiences of Canadians to information about the causes and effects of

Specific Expectations:  Students will ...
- identify the push and pull factors that influence people to move (e.g., push: drought,war, lack of freedom, discrimination and persecution; pull: employment opportunities, security, climate);

Image of Push/Pull Factors: Haughton, S. (No Date). Migration [Online Image]. Retrieved from

Science: Plant and Animal Cells

GRADE 8's: Great work in class today - your plant and animal cell models look fantastic!!  I am excited about getting out the microscopes next week to see how those organelles look in real plant and animal cells.

- If you haven't yet finished your legend/key to accompany your cell model, make sure it is finished by Monday.

- Don't forget to review for your upcoming "Cell Organelles" quiz!  In order to brush up on your facts, please visit the TD Flashzone website and perform the following activities:
  •  "Cells Drag and Drop Activity"
  •  "Cell Functions Drag and Drop Activity" 

PARENTS:  The above link provides a great review of what we've been learning in class.  Feel free to check out the website to get an idea of what your child needs to know for the upcoming quiz.  These activities will prepare each student to answer questions about plant cells, animal cells and their organelles.  See below for the curriculum expectations that are being met through this section of our "Cells" strand. 

Overall & Specific Expectations (Ontario Curriculum - Science and Technology, Grade 8):
Strand: Understanding Life Systems - Cells

Overall Expectations: Students will ...
(3) demonstrate an understanding of the basic structure and function of plant and animal cells and cell processes.

Specific Expectations:  Students will ...
(3.2) identify structures and organelles in cells, including the nucleus, cell membrane, cell wall, chloroplasts, vacuole, mitochondria, and cytoplasm, and explain the basic functions of each (e.g., the nucleus holds all the information needed to make every cell in the body)
(3.3) compare the structure and function of plant and animal cells

Image of Science Class: National Research Council Canada (NRC). [Online Image]. Retrieved from: