My Learning Object

Storybird is a website that allows you to write a story using artwork by illustrators.  Stories can be written individually or collaboratively in groups.  This tool can be used in elementary classrooms in virtually any subject area.  It gives students the opportunity to consolidate and share their learning through the creation of a book.  Topics can range anywhere from nutrition (health), to the ecosystem (science), to measurement (math), etc.  Keep in mind that the illustrations are already created.  While this can save a great deal of time, it can also be a challenge for your students to find the exact set of images that they are looking for!  It might be useful to set a time-limit for this part of the task so that students can move on to the actual story.

Di Sabatino, S., Toth, E. (2013). Eating Well Keeps You Strong, Healthy and Happy [Storybird]. Retrieved from

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