Monday, January 14, 2013

Hello and Welcome Grades 8's!

Welcome Grades 8's!

Hello Grade 8's.  I hope you all had a fantastic holiday, and that you are ready for 2013!  The start of a new year is a great time to try new things.  That being said, I am excited that we have this opportunity to discover different ways of using technology.  This blog will help us explore all kinds of interesting websites and point us to cool internet-based tools to learn all about the world around us.  I will be posting some things just for fun or interest's sake, but other postings will be a component of our required studies.  As we start this journey together don't forget to have fun!

Note to Parents: A very special welcome to you as well!  I hope you will join us on our new blogging adventure.  As with your children, I too will be learning as we go along.  Many of the resources and technologies that we'll be using are ones that I'm currently discovering myself.  Since many of you are far more technologically-oriented than I am, I invite you to share with me any resources, ideas or suggestions that you might have in order to make this component of our curriculum as enriching as possible.

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